Our Vision...

Is to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, so that we can lead everyone we encounter to Him.  We seek to guide and direct each person along the path Christ has laid out for them. In all we do, we do it for Christ; denying ourselves, embracing our call and going wherever He directs us. 

Colossians 3:17 says, "In all you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." 

OUr Mission...

At BXN our mission is to...

To know what it means to live a transformed life (Salvation)

This is a transformational moment in which we come to know Jesus, a decision to live life for him. (John 3:16)     

To raise up believers to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ (Discipleship) 

All believers need to be surrounded and held together by a community which fosters growth and holds each other accountable. (Acts 2: 45)

To live a pure life, free from sin (Sanctification) 

The goal as a follower of Jesus is to live like he did. The only way we do that is by dying to sin every day. (Romans 8:10-11) 

To learn the beliefs of the church (Doctrine) 

It is important to know the functions of the church. We don’t just grow without a purpose. Jesus left the church to his followers. He left us a Great Commission, that we go teach others and bring them in. (Matthew 28:18-20)